Jersey Zoological Park

The Jersey zoo or wildlife park named Darrell is located on the island of Jersey. It was opened in the sixties of the last century. The area of this zoo is fifteen hectares.
The zoo was founded by the famous zoologist and author Gerald Durrell. Love to animals appeared in early childhood, and all his life he devoted to animals. Darrell wanted to create a special zoo, designed not only for entertainment but also to save the animals. This zoo is very different from others. He was even called "the zoo, which is not a zoo." That's because most of the animals are in the spacious homes that resemble the natural habitat. Incidentally, the history of the Jersey Zoo Darrell painted detail in his book "The zoo in my luggage."
To date, The Jersey Zoo visited by a huge number of tourists from around the world. The zoo contains about one hundred thirty five species, the total number of which exceeds eight hundred and fifty individuals.
The Jersey Zoo is a remarkably beautiful location near the English Channel.