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Beachy Head

Beachy Head

Beachy Head - cape is on the south coast of England. This is the chalk cliffs in East Sussex, near the town of Eastbourne. Rock attracts many travelers as its summit offers an incredibly beautiful landscape. With a height of one hundred sixty two meters you can see the coast from Cape to Cape Dungeness Selsey-Bill. Captures the spirit! 

Beachy Head is famous for its historical past. Far from it in 1653 occurred the famous battle of Portland. A July 10, 1690 there was another battle between the Anglo-Dutch fleet and French ships. 

No less interesting is the modern history of this rock. For many years, this place attracts a suicide. According to some reports, in an average year at Cape farewell with my life up to 20 or more people. A record was set in the 70s of last century, when a cliff jumped off Beachy Head, 132 people. 

Despite the tragic history at Beachy Head has positive page. On top of the rock were shooting some scenes of the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Here the students of Hogwarts school of magic in his famous play Quidditch. 

Reach the chalk cliffs of Beachy Head just. To rock laid decent road and traveling by bus or car from the town of Eastbourne in about 40 minutes. 


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